Lala life , what's that ?

 Hey You

     Welcome to the LALA WORLD

Hai! I’m Smeeha Kapoor, a 12-year-old brown girl, living a Lala life …wondering what lala life is? ahh, it’s my type of life and my life is kinda crazy! WANNA BE A PART OF MY LIFE? come along ….


Smeeha here <3 

What are you grateful for? I am completely grateful for everything God has given to me but mainly my family, friends, and my LALA LIFE! Which is completely amazing !! I have friends who love me and family who loves, care, and support me !!

And if we talk about my LALA LIFE !! I have everything in it ...I have an awesome life and I am super grateful for it! I am not SHOWING IT OFF TO PEOPLE and Making them feel BAD it’s just that in this blog I will tell you all about how I love my life.


 I always wanted to have a cute name for me and my life but I couldn't find one, so I kept on searching and I thought of SMEEHA'S LIFE but it wasn't that cute and I used to use the word lala a lot so I kept my name THE LALA LIFE OF SMEEHA and then I started living a lala life !! 


 Basically, my life is all about fun. I keep on finding ways to have fun! See, everybody in this world has problems and sadness in their lives but the thing is you need to find a way to let it go, and that’s what I do !! Like the other world, I even have bad days, sadness and all but I try to find a way to cover it !! Just remember LET THINGS GO !!! This will make things super easy for you and then you will start living a WONDERFUL LIFE! I promise you, things would be very easy this way! You just need to find out who you are I mean you need to find your likes and your dislikes. I just found out that I am kinda good at writing, maybe? That you guys need to tell by writing a comment in the comment section down below !! Anyway, let’s get back to the topic. Sometimes you may feel your friends ain’t good for you and all, sometimes those feelings are just a vibe, and sometimes that is true! All you gotta do is FIND IT OUT !! And now I am sure you are wondering how to find it out,  Right? Think about what type of friends you want and then compare them, it’s okay if they don’t have some of the qualities you want but if many then am sure there are more amazing friends out there for you! And if you feel like your family ain’t supportive or doesn’t like you, get this that no one will ever love you more than your family !!!! Feel blessed to have a family. You at least have a family, what about those who don’t have one, you always know that you have their back, what about the ones who don’t have a family ?!! Be happy with what you have !! Enjoy every bit of your life because you only live once !! I know am so small to say all this but the thing is I just found out that a person should know him/her self and should live the best life by not caring about what the other people say or think all you need to do is have fun, do what you like and the most random of the things they want to! I know there are a lot of people out there who are tired of their lives, and stuff all I wanna say to them is please stop taking tension about the small things, you need to find a way to be happy, do what makes you happy, I know I am saying it again and again but that's the main thing, if you aren't liking what you are doing, you won't ever be happy. Start knowing your self, the hidden you! Before the lockdown, I never knew that I could do calligraphy/hand lettering, but the thing is I gave it a shot, and guess what I can now do brush lettering, here all I am trying to say is that you will never know what makes you happy until you try it !! Close your eyes and ignore all the negative things to live a happy life !! Expect literally nothing from the people and appreciate everything, you will see the change in yourself and always remember that you, yourself are the author of your next chapter and always give yourself some credit for how far you have come !! Don't let negativity come your way !! Just focus on what makes your soul happy !! You will be exactly as happy as you decide to be !!
In the end, I would just say that BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE, I know it’s tough but at least give it a try, I can’t always too but I try and I am sure slowly and slowly things would be better !! Just think that TODAY IS THE DAY TO BE HAPPY  !!Don't let the silly little things steal your happiness. If you'll have a happy mind you will surely have a happy life so just BE HAPPY!

 Anyways, I hope that you all liked my blog and if you did, don't forget to tell me in the comment section, down. Follow if you want to !! I will upload my next blog super soon and if you have any idea for my next blog then do tell me, I am shorting for ideas already, lol !!! toodles xx


  1. This is really lovely blog!❤️ This blog can help many people with lack of confidence in them!✨ BTW you are good at writing 😂❤️❤️

  2. This is such an amazing blog !! I loved it and actually a lot of the things got cleared in my mind so thank you for that ❤️ and yeah you are great at writing <33

    1. Kaynii , am so glad that it helped you !! Thank you<3

  3. Oh my god, this is wow!! You’ve grown up so fast, I mean talking about such topics is just amazingly mature🤩 you’re doing a great job hun💗 eagerly waiting for the next one!! Also you could write about how do you deal with all the pressure, the family pressure, the exam pressure, anything.

    1. Thank you so much PK !! Hearing it from you is like the most special thing <33 Yeah , I will surely try to write about it , but am so glad that you and the others are loving my blogs.

  4. woahhhhhh smeee u r the best i mean prisha didi is so much grateful to have u as a sis

  5. Wonderful peice Smeeha, Great start.

  6. Awesome one!! loved every single word of..also I must've told a lot of times but you're absolutely amazing at writingggg!!!!

  7. Sammyy ❤️❤️ You r d best ❤️❤️ i purple you

  8. I love love this!!! I never even knew our thoughts were so similar<3

  9. You are so amazing at it !!!


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